GP1176 SystemPod Pre-Cut for Simrad NSS12 evo2 or B&G Zeus² 12 & 2 Instruments for 9.5″ Wide Guard
NavPod GP1170 Series for 9.5″ Guard, SystemPods for Sail are for mounting multiple pieces of electronics in one NavPod. This is a good way to reduce the height of a system. In addition to mounting a radar or chartplotter, you can have room for an autopilot, instrument, stereo controller, or VHF mic.
A SystemPod is best mounted on a Single Bend AngleGuards
SystemPods for Power are for mounting on a SK135 Stachion Kit can be used to mount a SystemPod on a flat surface, such as the flybridge. Stachion Kits can also be used with a SystemPod for overhead mounting applications.
Overall Size: “H x “W x “D
Usable Face: 9.9″H x 20.5″W x “D
Max Cutout: “H x 20″W
Instrument Cutout: 3.6″
All SystemPods include:
- Acrylic capped ABS plastic
- Chromed stainless steel tamper-proof fasteners
- Double seal for watertight integrity
- Models are available pre-cut for popular electronics
- Stainless steel mounting hardware and mounting gaskets